Want to Really Help Someone? Use The Law of Deliberate Intent
Rarely does a day go by that we aren’t reminded that someone in our world is a victim; whether that be from a natural disaster, or a bad relationship, or physical illness. It could even be you.
The media is first to provide every juicy detail of victimhood in its daily news reports. And if you look at your own life, chances are that you were labeled a victim for something you experienced in your past.
It’s an easy trap to fall into. I myself have been there many times: from losing it all in a hurricane, to losing a child, divorce, a gnarly motorcycle accident. You can add your own experiences to mine, and suddenly there’s a group of victims having a party and talking about it. I was invited to a lot of those parties, because I was a great victim.
So easy to do. We receive sympathy, validation and undivided attention while we’re relating our woes. Victimhood keeps people in the spotlight; but that spotlight is never aimed at the solution. That’s where the Law of Deliberate Intent comes in.
The Law of Deliberate Intent dictates that what you focus on, expands.
So if your focus is on the details of victimhood, then victimhood persists.